Keep Climbing & Trust Your Journey.
Chapter Nine (Featuring: ‘Someplace Special on the West Coast.’)
When setting out to climb 🧗♀️ life’s peaks ⛰️, our egos love to convince us that we must be the creators of the “exact” path 🗺️ taken as well as the “ideal” destination 🚩.
This will be sure to include the pressure of two (or more) things:
Meeting the “expectations” of our ego’s process 🗺️ so that we may feel a false sense of safety & identity.
A “perfect” timeline which, if unmet, suggest we’re “failing”, “lost”, & basically “not enough” until we get there.
Here is what our hearts ❤️ know — there are paths, valleys, roads, & processes that have much deeper meaning than what we may see or understand with our human eyes 👀 & minds 🧠.
There is an “imperfectly” perfect map 🗺️ created FOR you that will serve YOUR highest good!💯
When we choose to trust a power much greater than life itself, the fog 🌫️ lifts & everything becomes clearer.🙏🏼💫
Whatever life peak ⛰️ you are currently climbing — keep climbing & trust YOUR journey! One step at a time & one foot in front of the other — WE GOT THIS!🙌🏼🌎🌍🌏👣
Someplace Special on the West Coast’s complete look:
ILY ~ Alex 🌞
P.S. Stay tuned for Lovely Vegan Fashion Inspo’s next two looks: ‘A Blue Sky Cali Sunrise’🌅💙 & ‘Misty Memories of Salty Waters’🌊🤍 featuring Chapter Ten — Your Prayers Hold Unlimited Power.🙏🏼💫
Photographed by @alexrosenkreuzphotography
Muah by @hairandmakeupbyjosie
Styled by @lovelyveganalex