Seeking inner freedom through forgiveness.

A healing jam sesh…

Have you ever experienced the dark & empty illusory space of shame & unworthiness?  I have — plenty of times.

Have you ever experienced the lightness of your divine truth through forgiveness & healing?  Me too — often.

The question is, how would we know healing without pain?  Or light without darkness?

I have spent a lot of time (recently & over the years) seeking to better understand shame & forgiveness… it’s been a very challenging, yet beautiful process.

One of the key takeaways I have found is that the gift of forgiveness is always a two-way process.  Meaning, we don’t look down on another as we give this gift; rather, we offer it to them as an equal while simultaneously giving it to ourselves.

To quote ACIM:

“Forgiveness is the only gift I give, because it is the only gift I want. And everything I give I give myself.”

For YOU:

As we approach a new year during the Christmas season, please receive this as a sign & message to relinquish & let go of any shame, guilt, or burdens that you may be carrying.  Hand them over to a greater power & know that, at your core, nothing you may have said or done is who you truly are… rather, it is part of this life’s journey so we may better understand light & dark…

And know when we offer this gift to others, we are giving it to ourselves… as we see the innocence in others, we come to remember the innocence within.

Shame & guilt are there to tell us of possible wrongdoings so that we may learn, grow, & mend whatever has happened… but not to drag through life as heavy burdens that define us or our worth.

YOUR worth is INVALUABLE & YOUR truth is unchangeable. No matter what.

To quote my favorite part of this song (Trevor Hall ‘Forgive’ feat. Luka Lesson):

“Let all of your mistakes become all of your greatest gifts in disguise…”

Breathe & let go, fam…

Be free & KNOW the LOVE that is your divinely inherent God-given TRUTH. It’s who YOU are.

I love you,

Alex 🌞


Stay true to you & find humor along the way!


Good things coming.