National Entrepreneur’s Day
In honor of National Entrepreneur’s Day, here’s a fun timeline of my journey thus far…😄
Ten or so years ago, I would have NEVER 🤣 guessed this would be the path… & let me tell ya, it’s a rollercoaster 🎢 & an absolutely incredible ride!❤️
Doesn’t mean it’s always easy… in fact, stretching through growth & fear can definitely be, well, stretchy… achy… tight…😂
But even so, the ups, downs, & unexpected turns are what shape us as we continue to evolve & be our best, more authentic selves!🦋
Seize your path, fam! Create from your heart! Pursue what CALLS TO YOU… & when fear stands in your way, staring you in the face — take another step forward & push right through it!🙏🏼🌟💫✨
Alex 🌞